
[J9] Studying the Characteristics of Logging Practices in Mobile Apps: A Case Study on F-Droid

[J8] iPerfDetector: Characterizing and Detecting Performance Anti-patterns in iOS Applications

[C10] Adopting Autonomic Computing Capabilities in Existing Large-Scale Systems

[C9] Analytics-Driven Load Testing: An Industrial Experience Report on Load Testing of Large-Scale Systems

[J3] Finding and Evaluating the Performance Impact of Redundant Data Access for Applications that are Developed Using Object-Relational Mapping Frameworks

[C8] CacheOptimizer: Helping Developers Configure Caching Frameworks for Hibernate-based Database-centric Web Applications

[C7] Detecting Problems in Database Access Code of Large Scale Systems - An Industrial Experience Report

[C6] Studying the Effectiveness of Application Performance Management (APM) Tools for Detecting Performance Regressions for Web Applications: An Experience Report

[C3] Detecting Performance Anti-patterns for Applications Developed using Object-relational Mapping